Planting Trees

Help us train 100 more women in reforestation and plant 3,000 fruit trees in Sierra Leone. This year, we’re also providing access to family planning education and resources to further empower women and girls in the Waterloo community. Your donation will help create a sustainable future for Sierra Leone and protect its rich biodiversity.

Planting Trees

The Challenge:

Sierra Leone is among the 10% of countries most vulnerable to climate change. Deforestation exacerbates this vulnerability, leading to severe weather events, food shortages, and habitat loss for endangered wildlife.

The Solution:

Our project empowers women with reforestation training and access to family planning education. By planting trees resilient to weather and providing nuts and fruit, we create vital buffer zones for wildlife while also supporting community food abundance.

Urgent Need:
We urgently need $3,000 to plant 3,000 more trees and support access to family planning education in the Waterloo community. Your donation will help us continue this vital work, empowering women, protecting wildlife, and building a sustainable future for all.

Donate today to support women planting trees in Sierra Leone!

Waterloo, Sierra Leone

Key Species:
Western Chimpanzee (EN), Pygmy Hippo (EN), White-breasted Rockfowl (VU)

Primary Threats:
human development, habitat loss, poaching

Conservation Actions:
Reforestation Campaigns, Native plant Nursery, Community education, Family Planning Clinics

Fridays for Future Sierra Leone

Fundraising Goal:


Your contribution has an exponential impact – safeguarding the past, shaping the present, and building a greener, more resilient future for all.


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