October 2020

Through the generosity of our supporters, Women for Conservation is now able to protect 79 acres of lowland rainforest in perpetuity!

The land in question was at imminent risk of destruction. It lies within the Fundación ProAves Titi Nature Reserve in northern Colombia, except the acreage was privately owned and open to mining. It was a race against deforestation when we made an urgent appeal for donor support to raise $12,160 in less than 30 days.

The newly expanded Titi Reserve is located in the Department of Antioquia in western Colombia, situated between the Pacific Ocean and Andes Mountains in the vast rainforests of the Chocó. The region is considered one of the world’s most important ecological hotspots, housing an  extraordinary abundance of endemic plant, bird, and amphibian species. The Reserve itself boasts the highest known concentration of the iconic and Critically Endangered Cotton-top Tamarin and Black-headed Spider Monkey, along with the Baudo Oropendola, Great Curassow and Jaguar.

Buying this land for conservation benefits both biodiversity and the indigenous peoples that call the area home. Women for Conservation is already working to promote conservation education, participatory hunting agreements, and sustainable livelihood opportunities for the local Emberá Katío indigenous community. This will be an ongoing project, collaborating with the people that most depend on the land.

Women for Conservation graciously accepted a substantial gift from Planet Women that closed out the campaign. Planet Women is a new conservation partner that solves intractable environmental problems by inserting more women into important leadership positions and deploying women as a conservation strategy.

“We are eternally grateful to our donors and supporters that rallied together and raised these funds in record time,” said Women for Conservation Founder, Sara Inés Lara. “Securing this land purchase is vital to staving off species extinction and advocating for sustainable livelihoods in Colombia. We look forward to continuing our work with the Emberá Katí people as conservation leaders of Chocó.”

Caption: Environmental Education Activities at a local school, facilitated by Women for Conservation and ProAves

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