Success Stories

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News, Success Stories

Meet Viviana, the W4C Scientist Safeguarding the Yellow Spotted River Turtle

Nestled in the verdant embrace of the Amazon Rainforest, Colombia’s El Jaguar Nature Reserve stands as a sanctuary for a plethora of wildlife, including the endangered Yellow Spotted River Turtle (Podocnemis unifilis). Facing severe threats like poaching, egg harvesting, and habitat loss, these freshwater turtles are vital to the ecological balance of the Amazon River […]

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Success Stories

Empowering Young Conservationists to Protect Critically Endangered Wildlife in Puerto Pinzon

A Dream Realized Through Your Support We are thrilled to share a heartwarming success story that showcases the incredible impact of our generous donors. Thanks to your unwavering support, Women for Conservation has achieved a significant milestone by raising the funds needed to bring environmental education to blossoming young conservationists of Puerto Pinzón. Our campaign, […]

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News, Success Stories

Empowering 6 Women Forest Rangers & Baobab Reforestation in Madagascar

Project Overview: Women for Conservation is excited to announce our first women-led conservation partnership with Fanamby Organization in Madagascar! Our incredible supporters helped W4C raise $3,600 to fully fund this project to support 6 new women forest rangers, who help to protect and restore degraded land for the benefit of both wildlife and rural communities. […]

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Environmental Education, Success Stories

Reforestation Training for 100 Women in Sierra Leone, West Africa

Project Overview: In Women for Conservation’s first partnership project with Friday’s for Future Sierra Leone, we seek to launch a reforestation training project led by 100 local women and children. A 10-year rebel war, population pressure, and rapid deforestation have disproportionately burdened women, children, and other vulnerable groups in rural Sierra Leone. This grassroots, women-led […]

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Success Stories

Your Swift Action Saved Precious Rainforest for Two Critically Endangered Primates

October 2020 Through the generosity of our supporters, Women for Conservation is now able to protect 79 acres of lowland rainforest in perpetuity! The land in question was at imminent risk of destruction. It lies within the Fundación ProAves Titi Nature Reserve in northern Colombia, except the acreage was privately owned and open to mining. […]

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