
Family Planning, News

New Partnership: Population Connection Global Partners Program

The Population Connection Global Partners Program: We are thrilled to be a part of the Population Connection Global Partners program. Population Connection has supported smaller global partner organizations since 2016. They focus on funding local and community-based organizations that include programming related to sustainable global population growth. In Population Connections’ words, they “support a growing […]

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Achieving Regional Park Status: Community Organizing Protects Wildlife

Community Organizing Protects Wildlife We are excited to announce that Las Tangaras ProAves Reserve will be officially recognized as a Colombian Regional Park! In addition to this new government-protected status, the reserve will also expand its area by 3,500 hectares (8,649 acres).This new federal status will make Las Tangaras Reserve part of the National System […]

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Family Planning, News

An Act of Love for Women and the Environment: Family Planning for Men

World Vasectomy Day 2022: Family planning for men: Vasectomies are a commitment by men to conserve the planet and to share the responsibility of family planning with their partners.> On December 13th, Women for Conservation, in collaboration with ProAves and Profamilia, completed their third vasectomy campaign with 14 participants from the municipality of El Carmen […]

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Conservation Education, Environmental Education, News

Fighting Climate Change Through Community Empowerment

Women for Conservation has always strived to create a lasting impact—not just on the lives of women, but also on the health of our planet. As the climate crisis worsens, we are stepping up our efforts to protect and preserve the world’s most extraordinary habitats. We believe in the power of grassroots, community-led conservation and […]

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News, Success Stories

Empowering 6 Women Forest Rangers & Baobab Reforestation in Madagascar

Project Overview: Women for Conservation is excited to announce our first women-led conservation partnership with Fanamby Organization in Madagascar! Our incredible supporters helped W4C raise $3,600 to fully fund this project to support 6 new women forest rangers, who help to protect and restore degraded land for the benefit of both wildlife and rural communities. […]

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Women for conservation serves over 1,300 women caring for nature reserves (14) (1)

Women for Conservation chosen for IUCN Membership

We are incredibly proud to announce that Women for Conservation has been chosen as an official member of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)! The IUCN is the world’s oldest and largest environmental network, uniting more than 1,400 government and non-governmental organizations and more than 18,000 experts in over 170 countries. This membership […]

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Día mundial de la vasectomía (1) (1)
Family Planning, News

Celebrating World Vasectomy Day

Celebrating World Vasectomy Day Earlier this week, global population hit 8 billion. Human population growth is projected to continue growing exponentially over the coming decades – threatening the existence of earth’s incredible ecosystems and the hundreds of thousands of species with whom we share the planet. The fist step to curbing unsustainable population growth is […]

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Conservation Education, News, Publications

In the News: Women for Conservation Serves Over 1,300 Women Caring for Nature Reserves

Women for Conservation Serves Over 1,300 Women Caring for Nature Reserves This article was originally published September 5th, 2022 in Spanish by the Colombian news Outlet Semana. To see the original version of this article in Spanish, click here >>>  Women for Conservation empowers women and children to lead eco-friendly projects to protect critical ecosystems […]

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